
Rolling stock

The tram started its exploitation in 1872 with mule cars. Since 1878 on one line steam locomotives were used. In the period 1895-1904 the mules were replaced by electric traction. In 1914 the steam locomotives were abandoned.

The first electric tramcars were converted out of existing trailers of the steam-tram. In the first years the CCFP indicated them as "Carros Transformados". In later years the indications "Carros Antigos", "Carros Bancos" and "Risca ao Meio" were used, but with these also other types of pre-1907 tramcars were included.

Soon a few new cars were acquired and others were build new by the workshops and the local company "A Constructora". In the period 1909-1912 five new cars were ordered from UEC of Preston in the UK and 65 from Brill of Philadelphia in the USA. In the mid 1920's the workshops started to construct new cars again, many of the well known Brill semi-convertible type, but also an own design know as "Fumista". Only 10 cars were acquired new from abroad, in this case Familleureux in Belgium. The workshops also started to reconstruct existing trams, getting Brill type trams of larger size as the originals.

After take over of the tram system in 1946 by the STCP a new type of tramcars was build known as Pipi's as well as one prototype of a modern series. However the modern trams were never realized and modernization was limited to reconstruction of existing trams.

Freight was also transported on a commercial basis as well as coal for the supply of the power station. For this a fleet of freight trams existed. Like with most other tram systems there were also works-cars.